St. 博彩平台大全政策 & 程序


St 博彩平台大全 must comply with two statues regarding data:

  • 状态 Statute: Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13 - The Minnesota Government 数据操作 Act (MGDPA)
  • Federal Statute: Family Education Rights 和 Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)


《博彩网站推荐》是一项州法律,它建立了一个假设,即除非有联邦法律,否则政府数据是公开的, 州法规, or classification of data provides that the specific data are not public. The Minnesota Government 数据操作 Act regulates all aspects of data, 包括收藏, 创建, 存储, 维护, 传播, 和 access to government data in government entities.


For information about data classifications, 数据主体的权利, 成员的公共权利, 如何提出资料要求, 与数据请求相关的成本, 以及如何. 博彩平台大全 will respond to data requests, refer to the 数据操作 政策及程序.



Notary Identity Verification Form (pdf)



Judith Siminoe, Special Advisor to the President
AS 200 | 308-2122

AS 200, 308-2122

数据操作 Designee Contact Information


符合明尼苏达州法规 13节.05年,再分. 5, St。. 云州政策和程序; 确保非公开数据安全, 是否设立了保障措施,包括“非公开数据”只有在工作任务合理要求的情况下才可查阅. 此外,圣. Cloud 状态提供 数据隐私培训, 数据安全资源,然后 明尼苏达州董事会政策.23. 非公开数据可能被暴露, 或通过, non-authorized individuals in rare instances, such as when a work laptop is stolen or a USB Flash drive is lost. 任何潜在的数据泄露都应立即报告给数据实践合规官员(参见数据实践联系信息部分)。.


FERPA is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of 教育记录. FERPA适用于所有接受美国联邦政府管理的任何项目资助的教育机构和机构.S. 以及代表这些教育机构和机构提供服务的私人实体.


此信息也以 一年一度的通知 to all enrolled students, as required by FERPA

  1. 有权在学校收到书面访问请求之日起45天内检查和审查学生的教育记录.
  2. 要求修改学生认为不准确的教育记录的权利, misleading or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA.

要求修改或删除 (PDF)

要求正式聆讯 (PDF)

  1. 在大学从学生的教育记录中披露个人身份信息(PII)之前提供书面同意的权利, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
  2. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. 就大学涉嫌未能遵守FERPA的要求向教育部投诉. The name 和 address of the Office that administers FERPA is:
    U.S. 教育部
    华盛顿特区20202-4605 /办公室/ om / fpco /索引.html
有关教育记录的其他要求见《博彩平台大全》: www.修订者.腿.状态.mn.我们/法规/?id=13.32.

FERPA Authorization of Disclosure without Consent

Generally, a student must provide written consent using the 资料公开同意书 之前,大学将发布 个人身份信息 (PII)来自学生记录. FERPA对这一裁决做出了例外规定,允许学校在以下情况下和/或向以下各方未经同意披露个人信息:

  • 学校官员 (University employees or others performing services for the University) who have a 合法的教育利益 in the records in order to perform their duties
  • Another school in which the student seeks or intends to enroll
  • 认证机构
  • To determine the eligibility, amount, 和/or conditions of 金融援助, 和 to determine 和 enforce the terms 和 conditions of the aid
  • 的父母 依赖学生 如果父母中的任何一方在最近一年的所得税报表中声称学生是受抚养人
  • Parents or other appropriate parties in connection with a health or 安全 emergency
  • 的父母 a student under the age of 21 if that student violates any Federal, 状态, 或者当地法律, 或学校有关使用或持有受管制物质或酒精的任何规定或政策
  • Certain government officials involved in audit or evaluation of Federal or 状态 supported programs, or for the enforcement of or compliance with the 腿al requirements of those programs
  • 代表学校进行研究的组织,目的是改善教学或管理预测性测试或学生援助计划
  • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena
  • 向被指控的暴力犯罪或非暴力性犯罪的受害者提供有关被指控犯罪的纪律程序的最终结果
  • To any third party the final results (which can only include the al腿ed perpetrator’s name, 所犯的违法行为, 如果被指控的犯罪者被发现违反了学校的规章制度或政策,那么任何与暴力犯罪或非强迫性性犯罪有关的纪律处分程序的制裁
  • 任何请求 目录信息 unless the student has opted to restrict this information. (SEE 目录和限制目录 Section)


依赖学生: a student who is a qualifying child or relative as defined in 26 U.S. Code § 152 of the Internal Revenue Code.

目录信息:学生的教育记录中包含的信息,如果披露,一般不会被视为有害或侵犯隐私. (See SCSU’s approved 目录信息 List)

教育记录:由“教育机构或机构”或代表该机构或机构的一方维护的与“学生”直接相关的记录. (The term “student” excludes individuals who have not been in attendance at the agency or institution.)


合法的教育利益: interests related to pursuits of higher education, 行为或纪律, 学生群体的福祉, or the overall goals of the school which may include, 但并不局限于教学, 研究, 建议, 咨询, 调查, 就业安置, 金融援助, 医疗服务, 安全, 学生会, 俱乐部, 校内的运动, 事件, 公共服务. 学校官员只有在履行其专业职责所需的信息时才具有合法的教育利益.

个人身份信息: data including a student’s name 和 other direct personal identifiers, such as the student’s SSN or student number or biometric identifiers such as fingerprints, DNA, 笔迹, 或者面部特征. PII also includes indirect identifiers, such as the name of the student’s parent or other family members; the student’s or family’s address, 以及个人特征或其他信息,这些信息会让学生的身份很容易被追踪到.

学校官员: parties such as professors; instructors; administrators; health staff; counselors; attorneys; clerical staff; trustees; members of committees 和 disciplinary boards; 和 a contractor, volunteer or other party to whom the school has outsourced institutional services or functions.


学生可以选择通过填写限制信息披露请求表来限制其目录/限制目录(SEE目录和限制目录部分)信息的披露. There are a few things students should underst和 about this restriction:

  • 即使有限制, a student’s name can still be disclosed in on-site or online classes.
  • 即使有限制,圣. Cloud 状态仍然会根据需要使用学生的目录信息来执行大学业务,如处理经济援助申请或准备文凭.
  • There may be consequences or inconveniences related to restricting disclosure including, 但不限于, St. Cloud 状态 becoming unable to: notify a potential employer of awards or degrees earned; include a student’s name in the commencement program; or acknowledge participation in a sport or student organization to a scholarship approval/advisory committee.
  • 学生的限制一直有效,直到我们收到正式的书面要求取消限制. This holds true even if a student has graduated or ceases to be enrolled. 在要求限制资料披露表格的底部有一节是为此目的而提供的.


St. 除非有限制,Cloud 状态可以未经授权发布以下目录信息.


  • 名字 
  • 家乡
  • Most recent previous educational institution
  • 注册状态
  • 班级级别(大一、大二等.)
  • 主修和副修专业
  • 出席日期
  • 授予的学位和日期
  • Non-financial honors/awards 和 dates awarded
  • Weight 和 height of athletic team members
  • Participation in official recognized activities 和 sports 和 participation dates

St. 博彩平台大全 Approved Limited Directory List

St. Cloud 状态 has chosen to adopt a limited directory policy as allowed by FERPA. 这意味着St。. 云之国将限制谁, 以及目的, the listed limited directory data are disclosed - unless a restriction has been placed.  


  • 校园 & 非校园电邮地址
  • 本地及永久通讯地址
  • 电话号码
  • StarID
  • 照片

St. Cloud 状态不会向有意将该信息严格用于商业营销目的的外部方提供学生的有限目录数据, nor will we knowingly make the information readily available to potential identity predators. 为此,圣. Cloud 状态 has removed its online student directory. 此数据仅供St. Cloud 状态 和 the Minnesota 状态 system as needed for university purposes. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • 学生证上的照片;
  • 全局地址列表或目录(例如.e. the Microsoft Office Address Book) accessible to Minnesota 状态 students 和 employees;
  • 支持为学生提供合法社交/学术机会的团体或组织的努力, such as Students United or verifiable honors societies.
  • 以支持美国的努力.S. 人口普查局 (click the box below for more information)
  • 以支持圣. 博彩平台大全基金会 和 校友关系 (click the box below for more information)


In addition to the data items in the approved directory 和 limited directory lists, SCSU将提供 U.S. 人口普查局 with the following information - unless a restriction has been placed:

  • 年龄
  • 出生日期
  • 比赛
  • 出身(是否西班牙裔)

SCSU Foundation/校友关系 Limited Directory

In addition to the data items in the approved directory 和 limited directory lists, SCSU将提供 St. 博彩平台大全基金会校友关系 在校友参与和资源开发方面提供以下支持-除非有限制:

  • 娘家姓
  • 出生日期
  • 性别
  • 婚姻状况
  • 种族
  • SCSU学院或学校
  • 科技ID
  • 国际地址(如适用)
  • 宿舍名称
  • 学生就业(是或否)
  • 实习(是或否)
  • 出国留学(是或否 & 国家)
  • 季票持有者(是或否)
